In our medical practice we provide various diagnostic methods and therapies. Beside general medicine we also offer very special medical services which are not paid by the public health insurances. In case of a private health insurance, normally the costs and fees are paid by your insurance. You always can use our special medical services by self-payment. Of course we give you all information on costs and fees before we start a special therapy. In case of any questions don’t hesitate to ask us.
Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine
Thank you very much for your interest in acupuncture und Chinese Medicine. During a detailed (approx. 60 – 90 min) first anamnesis, new aspects of your sickness are discovered and you receive new efficient therapy and self-treatment methods. This work is generally paid by private insurance. In addition, many technical diagnoses can be balanced by health insurances.
Acupuncture ist included in the “Gebührenordnung für Ärzte (GOÄ)” in Germany, i.e., there exist legally specified fees which can vary dependent on the actual treatment.
Please clarify prior to the treatment whether your health insurance will cover all costs. We are happy to consult you with this procedure.
We propose to member of the statutory health insurance (GKV: Gesetzliche Krankenversicherungen) to close a complementary insurance.