Contact Details

Contact Details

Do you have questions or want to make an appointment?
Please do not hesitate to use our online service.

  Medical Practice Dr. med. Simon Grüß

   Wenzelgasse 1, 53111 Bonn


Consultation hours

Appointments by prior arrangement only.

Please make an appointment (preferably via the online service).


Availability by phone:

Monday – Thurday: 9am – 4pm

Friday: 9am – 12pm

How to come to our practice rooms

Our Medical Center is located in the center of Bonn, at Wenzelgasse 1 in 3rd Floor (with elevator).  It’s possible to come to our practical rooms either by public trasporation as well as by car.  If you decide to come by car, you should park in the “Marktgarage”.


Bus: The next Bus-Stop is “Bonn Marktplatz” which is well connected.
Tram: The Tram stopps at “Bertha-v.-Suttner-Platz / Beethovenhaus” which is at the “Oxfordring”. It’s only a 2 minutes walk from there to our practical rooms.

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